14 Years Ago Today: We Were Given Entourage

14 Years Ago Today: We Were Given Entourage

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14 years ago today, a show about some friends in Hollywood first premiered on HBO.

This on-going cold, wet and miserable weather in Perth got me searching Hulu and Netflix for the next thing to binge – and it seems I have already gone through most of the binge-worthy shows.

Then as if from the gods themselves a Facebook reminder popped up today about how Entourage was then 9 years old.

Source: giphy.com

Now it has been 14 years to the date that Entourage hit our screens.

Episode one aired on the 18/7/2004 in the U.S with Vincent Chase a young up-and-coming actor living in Hollywood attending the opening of his latest movie “Head On,” from here the rest is now history.

Well, I know what I will be doing for the rest of winter –  re-binge watching Entourage and I thought you might want to do the same.

Source: giphy.com

Also for a bit of fun – Which Entourage Character are you?