Building For Tomorrow - Morley-Ellenbrook Line

Building for Tomorrow: What The $6.5B Infrastructure Upgrade Across WA Means For You

Building WA's economy back-up from the pandemic with the biggest transport infrastructure program the State has ever seen.

Some people get really excited about infrastructure projects. That is until you’re sitting in traffic caused by another lot of construction.

Or wondering how on earth you’re meant to get from A-B when roads are suddenly closed or detours are in place.

But this is all for the greater good and all in the name of progress to improve our city.

So what does the WA Government’s “Building for Tomorrow” program of transport works include? Where will delays be? And why is it one of the most important things being worked on in recent times?

We have some answers for you below:

What is Building for Tomorrow?

We hear a lot about new transport infrastructure projects and improvements to our city.

But the suite of projects under Building for Tomorrow are a bit different.


Because we’re in the middle of a pandemic.

Bringing forward infrastructure projects is something we hear a lot about, but the WA Government is actually doing it with the aim of building WA’s economy back-up from the pandemic with the biggest transport infrastructure program the State has ever seen.

This includes more than $6.5 billion of investment over the next two years, with $260 million anticipated to be spent on transport portfolio works monthly, building up to $280 million a month in the 2021-22 financial year.

Some major infrastructure works fast-tracked include the Mitchell Freeway extension to Romeo Road, the Tonkin Gap project through Bayswater and Albany Ring Road.

There’s also $146 million being invested in cycling infrastructure creating 150km of new bike and pedestrian pathways, which will make our friends in spandex particularly happy.

Current projects in the works

So what are the major projects underway and when will you be putting wheels to road or tagging on at a new station?

And perhaps more importantly – where and when can you find out about delays as this all gets underway?

Indian Ocean Drive safety upgrades

Status: Under Construction
Completion: Late 2020

One of the deadliest stretches of road is undergoing much-needed upgrades to save lives and improve safety for those trips up north.

The strip of road being focused on runs between Two Rocks and Lancelin, with the road widened, installation of audible edge and centre lines and the construction of four overtaking lanes.

The speed limit was reduced from 110km/h to 100km/h, in response to the high number of crashes on the road.

The project is supporting around 40 jobs and costing $24 million.

Roe Highway and Kalamunda Road interchange

Status: Under construction
Completion: Late 2021

This is one of those intersections with some of the heaviest congestion come peak hour.

And it’s another spot where there have been a higher than average number of crashes.

As a result, construction of a new interchange is underway and includes a new bridge, two roundabouts and on and off ramps.

Detours will be in place from early September. Go to the Building for Tomorrow website to view the detour map.

The $86 million project is supporting 600 jobs. 

METRONET’s Morley-Ellenbrook Line

Building For Tomorrow - Morley-Ellenbrook Line

Status: Under construction
Completion: TBA

There’s no way you’re a Perth local if you haven’t heard of a little thing called METRONET and the long-awaited train to Ellenbrook.

It currently takes about an hour and a half to get from Ellenbrook to the CBD by public transport but the new rail upgrade will slice the time in half. Approximately 21km of new rail will be laid that will go from the centre of Ellenbrook, down the western side of Drumpellier Drive and eventually down the middle of Tonkin Highway.

It will then connect up to Bayswater on the Midland line to allow for a connection to Perth.

The first part of the project – upgrading Bayswater Station into a four-platform station – is underway, with other stations to be built in Ellenbrook, Whiteman Park, Malaga, Noranda and Morley.

Reid Highway – Altone Road to West Swan Road

Status: Completed

A dual carriageway has been needed for a long time on Reid Highway between Altone Road and West Swan Road, and now the project is now complete.

This $77.5 million project is going to remove that bottleneck we all run into when the lanes merge at Altone Road.

There is also a new bridge over Reid Highway at Arthur Street connecting Caversham and Dayton.

Smart Freeways

Perth Smart Freeway

Status: Completed

Another project, another beautiful dissipating of congestion.

Perth’s first Smart Freeway contains an additional lane from Canning Highway to the Narrows Bridge on the Kwinana Freeway with smart technology used to open and close traffic lanes and adjust speed limits.

Since opening on 22 August, the Smart Freeway has saved commuters on average more than nine minutes each day on their drive into the CBD.

Armadale Road to North Lake Bridge

Building for Tomorrow

Status: Under construction
Completion: Late 2021

If you’ve ever tried to get in or out of Cockburn Central Station and the Gateway Shopping Centre, you’d know this can be a bit of a nightmare.

These spots are notorious for congestion, especially in peak times.

But new upgrades are about to ease all of that.

The main feature will be a new bridge over the Kwinana Freeway, connecting Armadale Road to North Lake Road.

There will also be new roundabouts installed at the intersection of Armadale Roads with Solomon and Tapper Roads.

A big plus will be an upgrade of the Cockburn Central station carpark to include 1,100 parking bays, drop off zones, bike lockers and more.

There are a few disruptions and impacts in the area as a result of this project. Check out the latest on the Building For Tomorrow interactive map.

Swan River Crossings

Building For Tomorrow - Fremantle Bridge

Status: Planning
Completion: TBA

The Fremantle Traffic Bridge has been on Australia’s infrastructure priority list for at least a year, well known to be at the end of its life – it’s had a good run.

The bridge will be replaced with a new crossing over the Swan River.

But the exciting part is that there will also be a new rail bridge for passenger trains and new cycling and pedestrian facilities connecting North Fremantle Station to the Swan River in Freo.

The construction of the new crossings will be no small feat, with 1,400 jobs supported through the life of this $230 million project.

Hodges Drive to Hepburn Avenue

Building for Tomorrow - Hodges Drive to Hepburn Avenue

Status: In planning
Completion: TBA

Those who live north of the river know the pain of peak hour on Mitchell Freeway.

About 15,000 road users drive (or seemingly crawl on some days) southbound down this freeway.

A five minute “delay” as indicated by a helpful Google alert may not seem like much, but those minutes stretch as you sit bumper to bumper with thousands of others all thinking they’d give anything to have the trip expedited.

Well day-dream no more, because this $76 million project is adding an extra southbound lane onto the Mitchell between Hodges Drive and Hepburn Avenue.

The project will see you and 15,000 others saving six minutes driving the strip of Mitchell from Shenton Avenue to Warwick Road – allowing you to perhaps relax with your cup of coffee in the morning just that bit longer.

There is also much more

Visit to see what projects are happening in your area and for all the latest details on road, rail and bus disruptions and detours on the interactive map.

All images featured courtesy of the WA Government.

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