Lights, Camera, Action. Perth Film Studios Set To Open 2026

Construction of Perth Film Studios hits milestone and is set for completion in 2025; open in 2026. See the photos.

Imagine Perth — or rather, Malaga — as the new Hollywood. That’s not as much of a stretch as you might think with the new Perth Film Studios set to open in 2026.

Construction is well underway at the 16-hectare site on Marshall Road, Malaga with two prefabricated modules — spanning 40 metres and weighing 30 tonnes — forming the framework for the roof over the first of four sound stages which are at the core of the studio complex. 

Once complete, there will be 8,200 square metres of interior production space within the studio complex. 

Treasurer Rita Saffioti said, “It’s really exciting to see the Perth Film Studios taking shape, with our long-time goal for a world-class screen production facility here in WA becoming a reality.”

“The studio complex will rival the best in Australia and help attract major productions from around Australia and the world, while boosting the business and employment opportunities for the local industry and the WA economy more broadly.”

The studios will also incorporate production offices, an art department, wardrobe, workshops, set storage, parking, and a 23,200 square metre backlot — yep, that’s larger than the playing field at Optus Stadium.

The studio has been made possible by an investment of $233.5 million by the Government, which has the goal of establishing WA as a major creative centre for international and national film, television, and digital media production.

What will the Perth Film Studios look like when complete?

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