Game of Thrones Office Deadpool: Who Will Live, Die or Turn White Walker

Take Game of Thrones season 8 to another level with a printable Game of Thrones Office Deadpool.

Game of Thrones Office Deadpool: Who Will Live, Die or Turn White Walker

Take Game of Thrones season 8 to another level with a printable Game of Thrones Office Deadpool.
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Game of Thrones – Perhaps the most anticipated final season in TV history.

Take Game of Thrones season 8 to another level with the Game of Thrones Office Deadpool!

Game of Thrones Season 8 hits screens (in Australia) April 15th and there is no denying social media will blowing up after each and every episode. So those in the office or family who are hoping to stay away from spoilers and perhaps watch it all one after the other once the season has finished… good luck to you.

Plus how annoying is it with that co-worker, friend or family member who doesn’t want to talk about it because they are going to watch it later in the week or as above – once the season has finished.

Well this could be the ticket – introducing Game of Thrones Office Deadpool.

This is a great way to encourage all co-workers, friends and family members to keep up to date with each and every Game of Throne episode by having a deadpool – keeping up to date with the latest deaths each and every episode.


What is a deadpool?

A deadpool is a game in which the object is guessing when someone will die. Also, he is a kickass ‘superhero’.

Game of Thrones Office Deadpool Rules

How does it work? The rules are pretty simple, however feel free to change up the entry fee and prize money.

  1. Predict if each character will be alive at the end of Season 8. 1 POINT for each correct answer.
  2. If you predict a character’s death, you also need to predict if they will become a White Walker. Gain one point if you correctly predict the White Walker status. Lose one point if you predict the White Walker status incorrectly.
  3. Correctly answer bonus questions for extra points.
  4. One entry per person, prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
  5. $5 entry fee

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