Here’s How You Can Make A Difference & Earn With Containers For Change

Containers for Change
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Here’s How You Can Make A Difference & Earn With Containers For Change

Find a refund point near you.
Containers for Change
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We’re huge advocates for good recycling habits in our households, and it turns out that aside from helping the environment you can also get some cash back for your efforts – ka-ching! 

Containers for Change is leading the recycling revolution. They offer refunds for every 10¢ container returned by you, so they can be recycled and turned into new products, again and again.

The concept is simple: save your containers, drop them off at a refund point, then earn your refund, which you can either keep or donate to a worthy cause of your choice. 

Sound good?

Here’s where you can find your nearest refund points and how they all work. 

Four different types of refund points

Not sure where to go and how it all works?

With 262 refund points dotted across WA, it’s pretty easy to find one nearby for a drop-off – but they all work a little differently. 


Depots allow you to return your containers and get your refund on the spot. 

10¢ containers will be counted, then your refund will be returned to you as cash, bank transfer, or donated to a community group or charity. Some even offer drive-through or in-house bag drop services. Talk about convenience!

Bag Drops

Bag Drops are a super convenient and contact-free way to return and receive your refunds using your member number

Just remember these three key steps when dropping off your bag:

  • Bag It: place your 10¢ containers in your own biodegradable bags, or the bags provided by the refund point.
  • Tag It: attach a tag and write your member number and name on the bag.
  • Drop It: drop the containers at your local bag drop, and they’ll collect it, count it, and process your refund!

Reverse Vending Machines (RVMs)

RVMs are container-counting super machines! 

Just insert your 10¢ containers into the RVM where it will scan and count your containers, before providing you with your refund. 

Hot tip: Make sure your 10¢ containers’ barcodes can be scanned; otherwise, they won’t be accepted. 

Pop-Up Refund Points

Look out for Containers for Change pop-up refund points at events or regularly at busy locations! 

Some pop-ups count your 10¢ containers on the spot, while others will take your containers back to their brick-and-mortar refund point to count and then quickly process your refund.

Find a refund point near you

Containers for Change refund points

With 262 refund points across WA, your local is closer than you think! And with a process this simple, it’s a no-brainer to make sure you return your 10¢ containers.

All you need to do is check for the 10¢ mark. Most aluminium, glass, plastic, steel, and carton drink containers between 150ml and 3L can be returned and saved from landfill. 

Search for a refund point near you

Get involved and round up all the spare 10¢ containers in your household today and Don’t Feed The Fill