#meetthebloggers : Perth lifestyle and fitness blogger Relatable Miss Renton

#meetthebloggers : Perth lifestyle and fitness blogger Relatable Miss Renton

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I totally neglected the meet the bloggers series in the end of 2015, I’m sorry life just totally got in the way and before I knew it 2016 was at the doorstep! So, I thought I’d kick start 2016 by getting together with Perth lifestyle blogger Emma, from Relatable Miss Renton to talk everything health and wellness from muay thai to anxiety…

Relatable miss renton
How would you describe ‘Relatable Miss Renton’ and what made you start the blog? 

Relatable Miss Renton is a Perth Lifestyle blog that pretty much documents my thoughts, feelings and movements! I aim to keep it as real as possible and write with an authentic voice because that’s the type of thing I like to read myself; people being honest and raw. My posts range from funny lists about periods to my life experiences with anxiety, my love for health, fitness and food and a beauty review here or there. I started the Blog as a way of connecting with other likeminded individuals out there and giving my creative streak an outlet. I also find it really therapeutic in many ways and am absolutely blown away when something I write relates to someone else.

Your blog and social media focus a lot on health and fitness, how do you find the fitness ‘scene’ in Perth? 

I find the fitness scene in Perth quite wonderful. 6am classes and 24 hour gyms make it possible for busy individuals to fit in their training and the wide scope of fitness trends available means no one is likely to get bored. I especially love how you can train outdoors and get your Vitamin D at the same time! I’ve been lucky enough to meet some fantastic people in the fitness scene and prefer workouts together over shopping (something I never thought I would say!) The people I train with train hard and not for show and I like to think that those of us in the Perth social media industry do our best to show the benefits an active lifestyle can have – sweat and all ha!


Relatable miss renton

What are your favourite fitness activities in Perth that readers could try in the new year? 

I adore Muay Thai because it’s fast paced and provides me with the mental aspect when I’m sparring. I leave every class feeling strong and confident and would recommend that feeling to anyone! I’ve been at Riddlers Gym for 7 months now and they have a whole range of classes from beginners to advanced and fighters so something for everyone. In the past couple of months I’ve added another class to my weekly schedule at Queen Street Gym which is boxing mixed with spinning! It’s awesome cardio plus the place is full of knowledgeable trainers and New York style decor, uber cool. I try to fit in yoga when I can because the breathing aspect is extremely beneficial for anxiety plus the flexibility helps with Muay Thai. And last but not least, I don’t think anyone should live in perth and not make use of the fantastic weather we have. Coastal walks are a huge hit with me plus an opportunity to gossip with the girls!

It’s great to see your openness in regards to mental health, including your posts about anxiety and getting through a break-up. What are your top tips for living a mentally healthy life / coping when things get a bit too much?

Thank you! I always want my blog to reflect an honest account of my life and I’d like to see the stigma attached to mental health issues disappear altogether one day. My anxiety has been something I’ve learnt to manage after years and years of trying to “cure” it. Turns out it’s a big part of who I am and now I make healthy choices daily which can be something small such as saying no or drinking lots of water. I take time for me and make sure to get some form of movement in every day. My favourite is of course Muay Thai and fast paced workouts but walks and yoga, even stretching is just as important. On the occasion life gets too hectic I make sure to switch off and head to the beach, have a nap or take a bath. I’ve learnt that being healthy doesn’t require fancy gadgets or a lot of money; just learning to listen to your body and recognising its signs. And I’m still learning all of the time!

Relatable miss renton

What do you love most about Perth? 

The Perth lifestyle completes me! To come from a country that rains a lot and doesn’t have a huge emphasis on wellness makes me so grateful to be here. My weekends are spent brunching with loved ones after a sweaty workout and having me time at the beach. I love the up and coming feel that Perth has. In many ways in can be a bit backwards compared to other places but that’s what makes it feel so special – we’re a part of something that is growing! And of course, I love the food!!!!!

What can we expect from Relatable Miss Renton for 2016?

I am so exited for 2016 because I feel as though the blog was just finding it’s feet in its first year! I’m currently working on a project that will be out in April which is all about body image in the main stream media and planning a few more collaborations with like minded individuals. I raised money for a local charity here in WA called Zero to Hero at the end of last year by completing 100 workouts in 50 days and have been invited to be a mentor at one of their weekly camps in April which I am beyond excited about! Their vision is that every child and young person is educated and empowered to effectively deal with mental health issues. Such a great cause! I’d love to put out some more YouTube videos too as creating things makes me happy! Overall I just can’t wait to put some positive energy into it and see what the universe throws back.



You can find Emma’s blog Relatable Miss Renton at http://relatablemissrenton.com or follow her on instagram https://www.instagram.com/relatablemissrenton/



If you’re  a perth blogger and would like to be featured in 2016 please email [email protected]