Tweet Perth Weekly Hashtag: #worstgift

This week we would love to know what is the worst gift you ever received. Tweet at us using #worstgift. Let's bring some more fun and excitement to Twitter in Perth!

Tweet Perth Weekly Hashtag: #worstgift

This week we would love to know what is the worst gift you ever received. Tweet at us using #worstgift. Let's bring some more fun and excitement to Twitter in Perth!
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Time to have some fun Perth!

One thing that I have found when searching through Perth Twitter activity is that we have a lot of funny people on Twitter and it’s time to bring that out.

So given this and inspired by the Hashtag segment on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, I thought it would be fun to have a weekly hashtag segment on Twitter.

Each and every Wednesday, Tweet Perth will announce a new Hashtag that we would love everyone to join in with. The hashtag will run for the week and then the best tweets will be featured on the Tweet Perth website.

This weeks Hashtag:

We would love to know what is the worst gift you ever received. Tweet at us using @tweetperth and the hashtag #worstgift. Let’s bring some more fun and excitement to Twitter in Perth.

We look forward to your tweets.

#worstgift Perth Tweets