17 Christmas Crackers Jokes That Are So Bad They're Good

Bad Christmas Cracker Jokes
The best part about Christmas is not friends, family or gifts - it's the terrible Christmas cracker jokes!

17 Christmas Crackers Jokes That Are So Bad They're Good

The best part about Christmas is not friends, family or gifts - it's the terrible Christmas cracker jokes!
Bad Christmas Cracker Jokes
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The best part about Christmas is not friends, family or gifts – it’s the terrible Christmas cracker jokes!

We have surfed the internet almost losing our sanity to bring you what we feel are 17 of the best/worst Christmas cracker jokes that will get you in the Christmas spirit.

1 – Why does a duck have feathers?

To cover its butt quack…

2 – What do you get if a sheep walks under a rain cloud?

A sheep who is under the weather…

3 – What does Miley Cyrus have for her Christmas dinner?


4 – What do you call a fish with no eye?

A Fssssssssshhhhhhh…

5 – What is the best Christmas present?

A broken drum, you can’t beat it…

6 – Who is Santa’s favourite singer?

Elf-is Presley…

7 – What are spider webs good for?


8 – What did the sea say to Santa?

Nothing! It just waved…

9 – What do you get if you cross a Christmas tree with an apple?

A pineapple…

10 – What do you call a man who plays with leaves?


11 – What do you call a penguin in the Sahara desert?


12 – Why are pirates called pirates?

Because they arrrrrrr…

13 – What do you call a cat in the desert?

Sandy Claws…

14 – What kind of hen lays the longest?

A dead one…

15 – Eye jokes are getting worse

They are just getting cornea and cornea by the minute

16 – What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?

Nacho cheese…

17 – What do you call a man who claps at Christmas?


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