After taking out best bar in WA for 2022, Republic of Fremantle is now making us proud on the global stage, having recently clinched a prestigious title at the highly acclaimed American Distillers Institute Awards. And what better way to celebrate than at Republic of Fremantle’s Distillery Bar this Friday night, where Mini Vodka Martinis are on the house.
American Distillers Institute Awards have recognised the Republic of Fremantle’s Signature Vodka as the Best in Class in the International Vodka category, which means it’s been dubbed the best vodka in the world. This remarkable achievement arrives just as the distillery announces its expansion to Melbourne, marking its foray into the Eastern Australian Market.
Established as a leading spirit producer in Western Australia, Republic of Fremantle scooped up three awards for their Signature Vodka, including the highly coveted Best of Class – Distilled Spirit – International Vodka, as well as Best of Category – Distilled Spirit – International Vodka – Residual Base Character and a Gold Medal.
Their distillery’s innovative approach to spirit crafting is obviously a hit with the international judges. Republic of Fremantle source locally grown Verdelho grapes to produce their vodka and gins, and intentionally retain crisp honeydew melon and citrus flavours during their distinctive grape-to-glass distilling processes.
Head Distiller Tom Hutchings shares, “Making vodka from wine is challenging, and further developing our process has significantly improved my skills as a distiller. To have this recognised in this international competition is hugely rewarding.”
Their flagship range of spirits includes multi-award-winning grape-based gins, an Aromatic Gin and a Full-Bodied Gin, both made using the Signature Vodka as the base spirit which you can shop now at
Celebrate with Republic of Fremantle
To mark this international win, the Republic of Fremantle invites guests to enjoy a complimentary Mini Vodka Martini at the Distillery Bar and Restaurant on Friday 19th May 2023, from 5pm – 7pm.
This offer is available to 18+ guests only.
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