Perth Zoo Numbat Joeys

Perth Zoo Latest Addition: 11 Numbat Joeys

There are approximately only 1,000 Numbats left in the wild.

Perth Zoo welcome their newest 11 additions.

In a release on the Perth Zoo website earlier today, the Perth Zoo has announced the arrival of 11 Numbat joeys to the zoo.

Twitter: Can you spot the Numbat joeys?

This has come as welcome news not just for Perth Zoo but for the Numbat species.

In a statement on the Perth Zoo website “when you hear the word ‘endangered’ the Numbat probably isn’t the first species to pop to mind. But this bushy-tailed marsupial is now so rare there are approximately only 1,000 left in the wild.”

The Numbat mums and bubs are doing well and are already extremely adorable.

Perth Zoo is the only Zoo in the world that breeds Numbats. And when they’re about one year of age, they’re released into the wild to help bolster natural populations.

For more information about these cute and fuzzy babies visit

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