McGowan announced WA to enter Level 2 restrictions for one month from Thursday
While the public was no doubt wanting to avoid increased restrictions, due to the continued rise of COVID-19 cases in Western Australia and based on the latest health advice, Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan has announced all of Western Australia will enter Level 2 restrictions.
Level 2 Resctrictions
As a result of Western Australia’s vaccination rate, the reviewed Level 2 measures include:
- Children in Years 3-6 added to mask wearing requirements in all public indoor settings, usual exemptions apply;
- Home gatherings limited to a total of 10 people indoors and outdoors, except weddings and funerals;
- Private outdoor gatherings in a public space limited to 50 people;
- Two square metre rule and 150 person capacity limit indoors or outdoors for weddings and funerals, and for places of worship – no more than 10 people inside if held at a private residence;
- Two square metre rule and 150 patron capacity limit for fitness venues, hospitality, entertainment venues, nightclubs, and galleries and museums, with seated service only;
- Two square metre rule for hairdressers, tattoo parlours and beauty services;
- Two square metre rule and 500 person capacity limit for outdoor public venues and events, with mask wearing;
- Two square metre rule for public venues such as swimming pools and recreation centres;
- 50 per cent capacity limit for entertainment venues with forward facing seating such as theatres and cinemas, and for major stadia, including Optus Stadium, RAC Arena, HBF Stadium (main area) and HBF Park – including mask wearing;
- Limit of two visitors per resident per day to aged care and disability care facilities;
- No visitors to hospitals except for spouses, parents or carers, birth partners or for compassionate reasons;
- Two square metre rule and 150 person capacity limit indoors or outdoors for higher education facilities including pathway colleges and English language schools;
- Indoor community sports as per venue requirement, with no spectators, except for parents or guardians. Outdoor community sports permitted with no spectators, except for parents or guardians; and
- Four square metre rule and seated service only for the Crown Casino gaming floor.
These Level 2 measures are expected to be in place for about four weeks, with a review to be undertaken at the end of the month.
Western Australia COVID summary
- New active cases: 1,140
- Local: 1,136
- Other: 4
- Total WA cases: 9,364
- Total WA recoveries: 3,814
- Active cases: 5,540
- Cases in hospital: 11
Western Australia vaccination summary
- Total vaccines administered in WA: 5,632,561
- First doses administered: 2,196,043(>98% of Western Australians aged 12 and over)
- Second doses administered: 2,127,315(96.3% of Western Australians aged 12 and over)
- Third doses administered: 1,308,062(62.9% of Western Australians aged 16 and over)
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