Place Your Bids For The Bush Chook Throne

Bush Chook Throne Now For Sale
The internet in Perth has nearly broken with the release of a 'Bush Chook Throne' on Facebook Marketplace

Place Your Bids For The Bush Chook Throne

The internet in Perth has nearly broken with the release of a 'Bush Chook Throne' on Facebook Marketplace
Bush Chook Throne Now For Sale
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This is definitely one for the Chook lovers out there!

Update: The throne has sold for $500

The ‘Bush Chook Throne’ a throne that is only truly fit for a WA king or queen.

The internet in Perth has nearly broken with the release of a ‘Bush Chook Throne’ on Facebook Marketplace.

Bush Chook Throne

After an overwhelming amount of interest and it’s not hard to see why – the Throne is now up for auction.

How to claim the throne?

The Facebook Marketplace details state;

“Bush Chook Throne will go to auction, with all proceeds being donated to the Cancer Council Western Australia. To make an offer you can call our store on 9409 9010, or message us directly through our Facebook page.


Offers for the royal worthy throne will be accepted until midday on Friday 25th October so you have some time to remortgage the house and sell everything except the clothes on your back to buy this masterpiece.

Bush Chook Throne auction

What really needs to be asked though is… who made this and why are they giving it up?

Perhaps the power was just too much for some.

View the listing and place your bid via