See Jupiter and Venus Dance in the Perth Sky

See Jupiter and Venus Dance in the Perth Sky

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If you’ve looked up at the Perth sky in the evening over the last few days, two very bright ‘stars’ may have caught your eye. No Perth UFOs here, just Jupiter and Venus dancing together.

Perth sky with Jupiter and Venus via @PJneedsleep

Over the last week or so, Venus, Jupiter and the moon nearby have dazzled with “a picturesque celestial triang”.

Now Venus and Jupiter are slowly converging together this week and it will be a pretty cool sight in the Perth Sky.

From AstroBlogger:

If you turn your eyes to the western even skies in the twilight over the next few nights you will be in for a treat.

The two brightest planets in the sky, Jupiter and Venus, have been putting on a nice display as they have been steadily drawing together. But now it gets better.

Over the next few days the crescent Moon joins the pair, most spectacularly on the 20th when the Moon, Jupiter and Venus form a triangle, but the days after still pretty good as the Moon, Jupiter Venus and Regulus form a line.

After this, as the Moon pulls away, Jupiter and Venus come closer, being spectacularly closer on the 30th June to 2 July.