Wiilman Bilya Trail: A Stunning New Hiking Trail And Bridge In Collie

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A road trip to Collie is on the cards

Wiilman Bilya Trail: A Stunning New Hiking Trail And Bridge In Collie

A road trip to Collie is on the cards
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Pull on your sneakers, Collie has just unveiled a brand new hiking trail to enjoy with lush views of Wellington Dam.

The town of Collie is fast becoming the go-to adventure destination – with a number of Perth’s best swimming holes, biking trails and now further developments into their walking trails.

A 56-kilometre section of the Wiilman Bilya trail has now been opened to the public, featuring a pedestrian bridge set to take the whole hiking experience to new heights. At the eastern portion of the trail, visitors will find winding paths through stunning jarrah, marri, and yarri forests with some prime views of the Wellington Dam and concrete base artwork displays designed by local artist Natalie Veal highlighting the connection between nature and culture of the region.

This new section can also be linked to the Bibbulum Track for a more challenging four-day return hike from Collie, with overnight campsites available and accessible by paddle craft from the dam. Once all sections are complete the trail will sit at 87 kilometres and offer keen hikers a five-day, four-night experience that starts and finishes in the quaint town of Collie.

The project is part of the $10 million Collie Adventure Trails initiative being delivered through the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation, and Attractions, and will seek to bring more visitors to the area in a tourism boost.

Feature Image: Wellington Dam | @cavs_drone

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